things are not good.
like, at all.
i'm shaking pretty hard still.
mark and his brother, jessica, matt, stace, nicole, jeff and lisa decided that it would be a great idea to go and try to find their friends.
fucking idiots.
mob mentality.
mark for some reason got the thought into his head that his girlfriend was still alive out there. the others weren't hard to convince at all. mark's pretty pig headed...
needless to say, the shit hit the fan pretty quickly.
they took most of the makeshift weapons we managed to scrape together and just ramboed it out the back door.
leaving the 4 of us with a huge ass gaping hole in the back of the building.
we tried to get some sort of baracade back together but we saw a huge mob of those sons of bitches fucking devower all 8 of those stupid fucking idiots.
it was the most disgusting thing i have ever seen in my whole life, but i couldn't help watching.
thank god for noel.
i was just standing in the doorway staring at the fucking shitstorm of carnage and i didn't even see one of those fuckers come up beside me.
noel bashed the thing in the face with a castiron skillet and it fell down.
then he just smashed his head until he died.
is that what you call it? died? the thing was already dead....
i don't know.
in the process of getting the door blocked up 7 more of the bastards got inside.
noel took out 3 of them, i managed to get 2 and stan and mike each had 1.
i can't even believe that what i'm typing is for real.
how the hell is this happening.
these things just don't happen.
they just DON'T.
thank god for noel.